suddenly went to cheong in a good mood with joan(brother's girlfriend)
we sang for 4 hours!!!4 hours u know...
my throat felt so tired after tat...

take in the car
my head really long==

take in one utama neway toilet XP
look at the pale face==
(i need sport to get healther T.T)
after cheong k then went to 记得吃restaurant to take our dinner...

and i order dont know called wat drinks..(i taste ribena=D)

joan sis food..tomyam la mi with fish and chicken in it =9

her mak jok...(it look like red bean soup)

my food^^
wat wat 酱拉面
(it taste spicy >.< but nice=9) she told me her secondary school life, and she was so naughty when she is a student,lolx..
recently found a memorable ticket from my wallet..
